Thursday, 11 March 2010

Sorry I'm late...

Hey Hey,

Apologies for the delay in updating the blog but it's been quite a week and a half since I last checked in.

Aside from the domestic issues rumbling on, life has been hectic in terms of work and catching up with friends. Big congratulations to Linds and Anthony on the safe and very happy arrival of a beautiful little boy. And lets not forget the dating scene.

Had a lovely date on Sunday night with a lawyer from Edinburgh. Nice guy, very gentlemanly and good company. We had a lot of things in common but strangley we talked about everything except any real details about ourselves. Now, over-sharing is never a good thing but if asked to sum him up, I could tell you that he works for an investment bank, originally from Aberdeen, has lived in Switzerland and he's left handed like me. I could tell you all sorts of trivial stuff, but nothing of any great substance. He was a little reserved I thought but that's not unusual, given that it was a first date and he was on my turf. Despite having an enjoyable night, I wasn't convinced that he'd be looking for a second date.

Turns out he was; so we're going for dinner on Sunday. I'll let you know how it goes.Perhaps he'll be a little more relaxed this time. Normal dates don't make for good blog material.

The texts from teacher guy have fallen away now. The last one was on Friday and again, it was something very light hearted and fun. Infact it was something about demonstrating bursting an inflated condom with scissors!! I told him I wasn't sure what exactly the lesson was there but it did make me smile.

Got a little something / someone else on the back burner...if that comes to anything, you'll be the first to know.

Time to check out now. Needing a little time to catch up with myself.

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